Sunday, September 18, 2011

Culture Books and Internal Reputation

culture book
However self-indulgent it may appear, there's something in company biography books that make their existence valuable in marketing; they tell the company’s history, goals, and values. But these booklets are still often ignored by company employees given the fact that they are usually printed in glossy and artsy paper with colors and designs obviously commissioned from a classy graphic design firm.

We can’t blame them why they never paid a glance to these classy annual booklet giveaways. Aside from the exasperating traditional mug shots of happy and theatrically smiling employees, inter-racial group of intertwined hands (usually comprised of Black, White, White and brown Asian’s) symbolizing togetherness and strength, silhouette of happy family in opaque or wash color treatment, and happy group shot of unproblematic kids from different parts of the world, these company books are often boring and lack significant and helpful contents, needless to mention that it is all about bragging how valiant the CEO was in saving the poor and jobless people during scarcity and monetary downfall.

Culture Book
To other companies, especially to those who take their business with ardor, passion, and zealousness, these company biographies are tools not just to brag about how the company took the path of wilderness to achieve success. They even call it culture book, a sweet term that separates their version from being a braggart and promotional booklet to what they want to achieve as an organization, and indeed, it is way functional and significant from traditional company biography books.

Culture book’s goal is to define the set of values existing internally in the margins of the business rather to impose certain principles and standards. That’s why it always starts with the company’s mission, or what the company is striving to achieve using the existing values inside the company, and vision/s, or the things the company is surely expecting when mission is achieved. It is also the chief reason why most successful companies today have internal goals translated into catchy phrases or internal company slogans. FedEx has “purple promise”, Telstra has “communicate to success”—and these are done to serve their main function, which is to define the organization’s internal culture.

Culture Books and Internal Reputation
To those companies who find slogan insufficient or ineffective to define the culture inside their organization, culture books are perfect way to do it the simpler way. They put in it print and make it available in the confines and every corner of the business area. In simpler words, culture book is a printed material compiled as a book to define culture and build reputation inside the organization; it is a manual to ensure the employees to understand and embody the spirit of organization.

On Marketing
Culture book (company biography, organizational pamphlet, or whatever people want to call it ) is part of marketing. As mentioned, its goal is to build a strong internal reputation among employees to make the entire organization achieve, believe and involuntarily follow one particular culture. A company with strong internal reputation and unified culture avoids disputes, misunderstandings, and inequality inside the organization.

Author: Written by Warner for this blog. I hope you like this post and comment. I work as an SEO consultant for Endless Rise, they supply SEO Reseller Plans only to resellers. Visit the SEO Reseller Overview If you want to learn more.

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